Our Stockton design hardwood driveway gate is a great option for an affordable, high-quality gate. This stylish driveway gate allows you to close off your driveway from public footpaths and ensure that your property is protected by a large, sturdy gate. With one of our top-quality locks, you can secure the gate overnight or whilst you’re away, ensuring your property is protected.
The design of the gate is also sleek and modern, ensuring you’ll have a gate that will look the part for years to come. The high-quality wood which we provide to ensure that your gate will last too, withstanding years' worth of wear and tear. Our range of wood treatment options can help extend this further, preventing bowing and warping due to changes in temperature and weather conditions.
You’ll also be able to choose from other options when selecting your gate, such as the height and width of the gate and whether or not posts and beads are required. You’ll be able to select your treatment type too, to look after your hardwood gate long-term.

Planting a new tree with every order!
Ecologi allow Stellar Gates to help combat deforestation by planting a new tree for every one of our orders. Trees are planted all over the world!
Also, see our sustainability page for details on our FSC certified materials.